Relationships and Insecure Attachments

Insecurity can be a significant problem in our lives.

It takes root when an infant’s attachment bond fails to provide the child with sufficient structure, recognition, understanding, safety, and mutual accord.

Did you know? Emotional insecurities might lead to:

  • Tuning out – If a parent is always busy or self-absorbed, children may shut down and learn to avoid any intimate connections. As adults, they may act emotionally distant or cold towards their partners.
  • Insecure relationships – If a parent is inconsistent, the child may become insecure and fearful, and unsure what to expect. As grown adults, they may be the type that are attentive and caring one moment and cold the next.
  • Aggressiveness and anger – Children of abusive parents can, as grown adults, become insensitive to their partner’s needs and may have difficulty with love and trust.
  • Slow development – Children may experience physical and cognitive delays, which can lead to mental problems and social difficulties as adults.

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