Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Counseling and Therapy

ADHD is the most frequently diagnosed behavioral disorder of childhood and affects 3 – 5% of school aged children worldwide.

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a chronic condition characterized by inattention and hyper-activeness that can last well into adulthood. Adults with ADHD often have difficulties maintaining long term relationships, perform poorly in school or at work and tend to have low self-esteem.

In most people, symptoms of ADHD start before the age of seven.

A diagnosis of ADHD can be difficult for parents and children. However, treatment can help, and the majority of children with ADHD grow up to be successful adults.
The symptoms of ADHD can be divided in three sub-categories: inattention, hyperactivity and impassivity.


  • Frequently makes careless errors in the classroom , work, or other activities.
  • Difficulty listening when spoken directly
  • Experiences problems with completing chores, schoolwork, or duties.
  • Regularly has difficulty with organization and planning.
  • Often forgets important items necessary for work or school (e.g., notebook, pencil).
  • Becomes easily sidetracked by external distractions
  • Regular fidgeting with hands or feet.
  • Talking excessively.
  • Difficulty engaging in regular activities appropriately.
  • Constantly feeling the urge to move or be “on the go”
  • Frequently answers questions before they have been completed.
  • Difficulty awaiting turn.
  • Often interrupts conversations.


So what causes ADHD?
While there is a lot that isn’t known about ADHD, researchers have identified important factors that could play a role:

Changes in the brain – Recent studies have revealed less activity in the areas of the brain that control activity and attention than in normal children.

Heredity – Attention deficit disorder can run in families. Studies have shown that about one child with ADHD out of three has a relative with the same condition.

Exposure to drugs – Pregnant women who smoke are at a higher risk of having a child with ADHD. Similarly, women who abuse recreational drugs or prescribed medications are also more likely to have children with this condition. Scientists have hypothesized that alcohol and drugs impair brain activity by restricting blood flow to the nerve cells that produce neurotransmitters such as dopamine or serotonin.

Exposure to environmental toxins – Children that live in older buildings are at risk of chronic lead exposure, which can result in highly disruptive behaviors and attention problems.

ADHD counseling and therapy
In many cases children and adults with ADHD have other conditions such as anxiety and depression. The most effective outcomes generally take place when a group approach is used, with parents, counselors or doctors working with each other.

Counseling types:

  • Cognitive/Behavioral therapy. Children/adults with ADHD learn to talk about living with this condition learn newer approaches to cope better with their symptoms.
  • Family therapy. This type of therapy can help parents better deal with the stress of raising a child with ADHD, as well as gain new awareness about this condition.
  • Social skills training. Many children with ADHD lack socially appropriate social skills. This training can help children improve social behaviors.
  • Parenting skills training. Like family therapy, this can help parents learn more about this condition, and identify more effective ways to guide their child’s behavior.
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