Psychotic Disorders, Depression, Monomanias

Psychosis is a mental disorder in which a person has lost some contact with reality.  There may be severe disturbances in thinking, emotions or behavior.  Psychotic disorders are not as common as depression and anxiety disorders, affecting just over 1% of the population.  Psychotic disorders include Schizophrenia, Psychotic Mania, Psychotic Depression, Schizoaffective Disorder and Drug-Induced Psychosis.
Clinical depression lasts for at least two weeks and affects a person’s emotions, thinking, behavior and physical wellbeing.


  • Emotional – Sadness, anxiety, guilt, anger, mood swings, lack of emotional responsiveness, helplessness, hopelessness
  • Psychological – Frequent self-criticism, self-blame, pessimism, impaired memory and concentration, indecisiveness and confusion, tendency to believe others see you in a negative light, thoughts of death and suicide
  • Behavioral – Crying spells, withdrawal from others, worrying, neglect of responsibilities, loss of interest in personal appearance, loss of motivation, drug or alcohol use
  • Physical – Chronic fatigue, lack of energy, sleeping too much or too little, overeating or loss of appetite, constipation, weight loss or gain, irregular menstrual cycle, loss of sexual desire, unexplained aches and pains

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