Rheumatoid arthritis is a systematic autoimmune disease that is often highly painful and disabling. It tends to affect many body tissues as well as organs. However, the flexible joints are among its primary targets. In case adequate treatment is not administered to the patients, they may face tremendous difficulty in performing normal chores and their mobility can be severely hampered.
The worsening of the disease can be slowed with pharmacological as well as non pharmacological treatment methods. Pharmacological treatment methods include anti-inflammatory drugs and painkillers. Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) have been found to be pretty effective against Rheumatoid arthritis. Physical therapy, nutritional therapy, occupational therapy and orthoses are the major non pharmacological treatment methods.
Women are twice more likely to be affected by Rheumatoid arthritis. The condition is a form of autoimmunity, while the cause of the same is unknown. No evidence has been found between emotional or physical stress with the condition.