
Lumbago refers to pain in the lower back that leads to mild to severe discomfort. It is termed as acute if it is sudden and severe, or chronic when the pain lasts for a long time. It is quite common in young individuals involved in heavy physical work and elders of retirement age. While it might not be possible to identify the exact reason behind the pain, the specific cause can be pointed to a specific problem.

There are a variety of conditions that may result in lumbago, including Apophyseal osteoarthritis, Degenerative discs, slipped discs, Spondylolisthesis, Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis, Scheuermann’s kyphosis, fracture, misaligned pelvis, Rheumatoid arthritis, infection, bone tumors, Intradural spinal tumors, Osteoporotic fractures, Tension myositis syndrome, Pelvic/abdominal disease, Posture or prostate cancer.

The diagnosis of lumbago is difficult owing to the fact that lower back is comprises of a complex network of ligaments, soft tissues, tendons, bones, joints, discs and nerves. All of these are interwoven to make up the spinal structure.