The second largest system of medicine, HOMEOPATHY, is based on treating the disease and not the symptoms. With regards to this important principle, we as homeopaths try to evaluate the cause of the illness and then aim to eradicate it from the root cause , definitely considering a symptomatic improvement, but at the same time , the wellness factor.

In today’s highly digitalised world, where there is less time to relax and more to work, individuals are running after time. What matters is that we have eventually forgotten to take care of the God gifted, beautiful, amazing human body and end up developing signs and symptoms very rarely found a decade before.  Among a lot of new diseases prevailing among a very young group of population, Hair-fall ranges from 16-96% among various age groups and almost in every case represents a more viable underlying disease than being the only symptom in the person.

The cause of Hair-fall , or medically Androgenetic alopecia (MPB AND FPB) lies in finding the underlying illness, deficiency, stress, causative physical factor and hence treating the patient, though there are limitations to the result.

To understand deeply about the problem, we first need to understand what AGA exactly is.

AGA or Androgenetic Alopecia is an androgen mediated response of the body which results in Hair-fall, thinning of the hair and baldness leading to the formation of a pattern on the scalp in form of a horse-shoe and is labelled as MPB in males, FPB in females. Although hereditary in most of the cases, the actual process begins only when the triggering factors affect which may range from a simple problem like dandruff to a major illness like thyroid.

The rate of fall of the hair increases to a level where it is in imbalance with the growth rate and this results in development of empty areas from wherever the hair have fallen and hence no recovery in the shortest possible time.

Thinning of the hair is a result of the miniaturisation of the hair follicle hence resulting in the growth of a hair shorter and thinner than its predecessor and hence not adding to the density of the scalp.

The rate of lengthening of the hair becomes slow and hence the need for frequent haircuts reduces. The female finds a decrease in the length and thickness of her pony tail or pleats and finds her volume to be reduced.

All this adds up to the stress and anxiety which the patient feels on seeing tonnes of hair on the floor, on the towel, in the washroom, on his keyboard, etc. This makes it difficult to treat it all the more.

Another major reason for the hair-fall in females are Pregnancy and Menopause , a change of life rather than a disease condition.  Here again the rate of fall exceeds the rate of growth and hence leads to a patterned loss of hair. The quality deterioration of the hair happens rapidly if the female is deficient in essential nutrients and vitamins . Problems like hypothyroidism, diabetes etc add to the toll and may even lead to a male type FPB , though very uncommon and rare , but a possible condition.

A similar sudden increase in the rate of fall is seen after debilitating disease conditions like typhoid, jaundice , malaria, dengue etc . Here , the hair-fall comes up as a sudden occurrence and the  amount of hair falling across the day is very high. Although, the condition rarely leads to AGA, it is alarming to control the problem else the loss of volume becomes irreparable.

Diseases like hypothyroidism, diabetes show a late onset of the problem and here at times the medicinal treatment being given for the major disease adds to the hair-fall. Although late, but here the typical AGA pattern is very much visible and the condition has been progressing since a long time as per the chronological sequences of the signs and symptoms developing over a period of time.

The female fraternity has been more inclined to various experimentations with their mane in this modern day times. Though the positives are there, but the negatives are more potent and have lead to a steep increase in cases of FPB. Colouring, smoothening, straightening, perming and various cosmetic avenues have added to the wear and tear your hair goes through hence rendering it more susceptible to tarnish under the pressures. What adds in as a fuel to this fire , is the nutritional deficiencies , stress, hormonal imbalances , hence making it a problem prevalent in 8 out of 10females.

The female illnesses resulting from major hormonal imbalances has become more of a lifestyle oriented problem in today’s time and among these the most common is POLYCYSTIC OVARIES (PCOS). The leading symptoms are hair-fall, hirsutism, irregular menses, acne , weight gain, mood swings and dandruff which adds to the hairfall. More so PCOS is the most common cause of hair-fall in females today.

The homeopathic system is a cause-based system of medicine and is largely helpful in treating chronic diseases. Hair-fall is a sign with some underlying cause and so its treatment comes under the parlance of our beautiful and logical science.

Cause based medicines help in restoring the imbalance of the hair-cycle and help in maintaining the condition , thereby also helping in treating the underlying illness for which the patient is less concerned but the illness is of grave nature to cause some irreparable damage.


The treatment needs to be supplemented with proper hair care and diet. Hereunder, we are listing some points to remember with regards to hair care so as to maintain the condition of the hair in a good state:

  1. Oiling is a must for hair. In any case oil acts as a nutrition for the hair but the frequency and type of oil to apply depends on the texture of the scalp and the hair.
  2. Shampooing the hair regularly helps in maintaining the quality of the hair. The choice of the shampoo depends on the type of scalp and suitability.
  3. Diet plays major role in enhancing the inner strength of the hair from the root till the tip. An iron and protein rich diet is a must must for the hair.
  4. Avoid gels, creams, styling lotions for longevity of the hair. It is advised to switch to organic and hand-made serums and lotions for the hair to avoid unnecessary damage.
  5. Flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, soya, eggs, chicken, fish, almonds, are some foods providing hair the required nutrients for growth and better texture.
  6. Regular exercises to keep the blood circulation strong helps in strengthening the hair roots and hence helps in decreasing the hair-fall.


To know more about hair and hair care contact our doctors at or call :8699388880.